
Project New Yorker seeks to advance our knowledge and shape our debate on pressing concerns facing our communities. We are dedicated to taking research and turning it into actionable policy suggestions and best practices to inform policymakers, practitioners, and the public.

One of the research reports featured here is *Stakeholder Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Implementation of a Community-Clinic Linkage Model in New York City*, research into the effect of the crisis on an effort to connect community organizations with healthcare providers. Based on qualitative analysis, the study gives voice to stakeholders—ranging from the health professionals, community leaders, and policymakers—to whom the pain of providing a connected care experience during times of public crisis is real. Their insights shed light on the most important challenges, creative solutions, and takeaways in enhancing future clinic-community partnerships.

Through sharing this kind of research, Project New Yorker hopes to close knowledge gaps and spur evidence-informed policy and practice change. We encourage researchers, advocates, and community partners to join us, share input, and help build collective solutions for healthier, more resilient New York. Watch for upcoming releases of research findings and lessons shaping the future of community well-being and health.